Optical Imaging Services for Preclinical Evaluation

TD2 specializes in optical imaging services, providing deeper insight into the tumor growth kinetics of orthotopic tumor models and their responses to novel therapies coupled with traditional survival endpoints. Our state-of-the-art imaging technologies enable TD2 to monitor disease progression from in situ to advanced disease, including metastatic spread to distal organs.

Imaging Technology

Our imaging services utilize cutting-edge equipment and software to deliver high-resolution, detailed images that are crucial for accurate assessment in preclinical oncology studies. Our imaging capabilities include:

Spectral Instruments Imaging AMI HTX:

Spectral Instruments Imaging AMI HTX
  • High efficiency in vivo and ex vivo imaging
  • Compatible with 5-mouse anesthesia platform
  • High-quality optical luminescence and fluorescence imaging
  • Equipped with Aura imaging software 4.0
  • Smart exposure captures both faint and strong signals in a single image
  • Features to prevent overexposure from individual animal readings
  • Smooth setting allows maximum sensitivity for clear, non-pixelated images
  • Variety of emission and excitation filters
  • Advanced data software for comprehensive drug progression illustrations in longitudinal studies

Learn more about our Imaging Services for Preclinical Evaluation.

Contact our experts to help advance your orthotopic tumor models with our trusted preclinical research services.

Key Features of TD2’s Imaging Services:

Our imaging capabilities provide a robust platform for understanding tumor biology and treatment responses. Key features include:

  • High-resolution imaging for precise evaluation of tumor growth and metastasis
  • Longitudinal imaging for tracking treatment efficacy over time
  • Detailed visualization of biological processes in live animal models
  • Advanced data analysis for comprehensive assessment of therapeutic impact

TD2’s imaging services are designed to address the most critical questions in your preclinical development. By leveraging our imaging technology, you can enhance the accuracy and relevance of your preclinical studies, ultimately facilitating the transition to clinical trials. Our capabilities provide precise and actionable data, ensuring that your research is grounded in robust and reliable information.

Figure 1: Site and cell lines available for orthotopic implantation.

Site and cell lines available for orthotopic implantation

Available Orthotopic and Imaging Models Available for Studies at TD2

Syngeneic Lines

Intrabladder MBT-2, MB49
Intracranial GL261
Intrahepatic CT-26-luc (metastatic site)
Intrarenal RENCA
Intrapancreatic Pano2
Intrathoracic LL2-luc (In development)
Mammary Fat Pad 4T1, 4T1-luc, EMT6, E0771
Ovarian Ascites ID8-luc
IP Disseminated Colon-26-luc
IV Disseminated B16-F10-luc

Xenograft Lines

Intracranial BT-142, BT-474-luc, U251, U251-luc, U87-MG, U87-MG-luc, NCI-H1975-luc, GBM-PDX
Intrahepatic Hep3B, Huh-7-luc
Intrapancreatic BxPC3, BxPC3-luc, AsPC-1, AsPC-1-fluc, Panc-1-luc, HPAF-ll-luc
Intrathoracic NCI-H460-luc
IP Disseminated HCT-116-luc, SK-OV-3-luc, Cal-27-fluc, OVCAR-8
Mammary Fat Pad BT-474, HCC70, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-231-luc, Utah breast PDXs
Ovarian Ascites A2780, A2780CP, ES-2, OVCAR-8

Xenograft Lines

Intracranial BT-142, BT-474-luc, U251, U251-luc,
U87-MG, U87-MG-luc, NCI-H1975-luc,
Intrahepatic Hep3B, Huh-7-luc
Intrapancreatic BxPC3, BxPC3-luc, AsPC-1, AsPC-1-fluc,
Panc-1-luc, HPAF-II-luc
Intrathoracic NCI-H460-luc
IP Disseminated HCT-116-luc, SK-OV-3-luc, Cal-27-fluc,
Mammary Fat Pad BT-474, HCC70, MDA-MB-231,
Ovarian Ascites A2780, A2780CP, ES-2, OVCAR-8

IV Disseminated Lines

T-ALL CCRF-CEM, Jurkat-luc
AML Kasumi-luc, Molm-13-fluc, MV-4-11-luc, THP-1-luc
B cell Lymphomas NALM6-fluc-GFP, Raji-luc-GFP, Toledo
Breast MDA-MB-231-luc
Lung A549-luc, Calu-3-luc
Mantel Cell Lymphoma Jeko-1-luc
Multiple Myeloma ANBL-6-luc, MM1.S-luc, MM1.R-luc, RPMI-8226-luc

Comprehensive Preclinical Services

Regardless of the development question, TD2 has the specialized model you need to move your drug forward. Clients have access to humanized models, induction models, as well as specialty surgical and orthotopic models. We specialize in all areas of oncology and work diligently to understand your therapeutics’ mechanism of action. We match that with clinical development strategies for an efficient path forward.

Comprehensive Preclinical Services

Additional Resources


Explore our advanced imaging services for preclinical evaluation.

Are you ready to enhance the accuracy of your preclinical tumor and therapeutic studies? Partner with TD2 for comprehensive imaging capabilities. Our state-of-the-art technologies enable precise monitoring of tumor growth, metastatic potential, and treatment responses in vivo, ex vivo, and in situ. Take the first step today and contact our experts to leverage our cutting-edge imaging services and drive your research forward.