Outsourcing-Pharma: Targeting special patient populations with the help of AI

August 2, 2018

One of the biggest challenges of clinical trials is identifying the specific patient populations. This is a factor that has become even more critical with the rise of highly targeted oncology medicines. The solution: Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques which unify structured and unstructured clinical patient data for real-time accessibility.

To meet the demand of finding patients with highly specific mutational contexts of drug sensitivity for trial participation, TD2 turned to Deep 6 AI. Using a variety of AI and natural language processing (NLP) techniques, Deep 6 AI creates “patient graphs” from structured and unstructured data from every clinical event in a patient’s life and how those events relate.

For TD2, patients can be matched against clinical trial eligibility criteria in minutes, rather than the months it currently takes.

Hear from TD2 president and CEO, Stephen Gately and Deep 6 AI cofounder and CEO, Wout Brusselaers about the partnership and what the future holds for AI in drug development in Outsourcing-Pharma.

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