U251-luc Orthotopic Model


U251-luc is a luminescent glioblastoma cell line derived from U251. It expresses luciferase, enabling non-invasive monitoring of tumor growth and response to treatments using bioluminescence imaging. U251-luc serves as a valuable tool for preclinical research in glioblastoma, allowing researchers to study tumor behavior, evaluate drug efficacy, and explore therapeutic approaches. This cell line offers a practical platform for investigating glioblastoma biology and developing novel treatment strategies.

Model Details

Cancer Type: Brain Cancer
Model Name: U251-luc
Mouse Strain: Nu/Nu
Treatment Data Available: Chemotherapy (Temolozide)

U251-luc Survival

U251-luc Orthotopic Model

Survival of U251-luc after orthotopic intracranial injection in Nu/Nu mice (n=5)

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