SW-620 CDX Model

The SW-620 cell line is derived from a metastatic site (lymph node) of a human colon adenocarcinoma, representing a more advanced stage of colorectal cancer than its counterpart SW-480, which is derived from a primary tumor. Colon cancer, with its various stages and capacities for metastasis, presents multifaceted challenges for research and treatment. SW-620, with its metastatic origin, provides crucial insights into the biology, progression, and therapeutic challenges of metastatic colon cancer. Boasting a unique molecular and genetic profile that mirrors the characteristics of advanced colon cancer patients, SW-620 is of paramount importance in preclinical investigations. Its behavior, both in vitro and in vivo, delivers key understandings of tumor metastasis, growth kinetics, and treatment responses typical of advanced stages of the disease. Researchers extensively use the SW-620 model to study the mechanisms underlying metastasis, evaluate novel therapeutic compounds targeting metastatic pathways, and explore potential resistance mechanisms in metastatic colon cancer.

Model Details

Cancer Location: Colon
Cancer Type: Colon Cancer
Model Name: SW-620
Mouse Strain: NOG

SW620 Growth curves

SW-620 CDX Model

Growth of subcutaneous SW620 in NOG mice (n=5 mice).

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