OVCAR-8 Orthotopic Model

Synonyms: -

OVCAR-8 is a well-established human ovarian cancer cell line commonly used for studying ovarian cancer biology and testing therapeutic interventions. It retains characteristics of ovarian cancer, including epithelial morphology, proliferation, and genetic alterations. OVCAR-8 serves as a valuable model for investigating ovarian cancer mechanisms, evaluating drug responses, and developing novel treatment strategies. Researchers utilize this cell line to gain insights into ovarian cancer pathogenesis and explore personalized medicine approaches.

Model Details

Cancer Type: Ovarian Cancer
Model Name: OVCAR-8
Mouse Strain: Nu/Nu
Treatment Data Available: N/A

OVCAR-8 Survival

OVCAR-8 Orthotopic Model

Survival of IP disseminated OVCAR-8 in Nu/Nu mice (n=10 mice)

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