MDA-MB-231-luc Orthotopic Model

Synonyms: MDAMB231-luc

MDA-MB-231-luc is a derivative of the renowned MDA-MB-231 cell line, representing human triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). This version has been engineered to express luciferase, enabling researchers to perform real-time bioluminescent imaging in vivo. This unique feature provides an enhanced perspective on the aggressive and metastatic behavior of TNBC. Retaining the core molecular and genetic attributes of the parent MDA-MB-231 line, the luciferase-tagged variant serves as an invaluable tool for both in vitro and in vivo TNBC studies. MDA-MB-231-luc’s characteristics, such as its aggressive growth, metastatic tendencies, and response to treatments, offers a comprehensive insight into the complexities of TNBC. It has become a linchpin for researchers aiming to illuminate the intricacies of TNBC biology, metastatic pathways, and the evaluation of potential therapeutics through real-time imaging.

Model Details

Cancer Type: Breast Cancer
Model Name: MDA-MB-231-luc
Mouse Strain: Nu/Nu
Treatment Data Available: N/A

MDA-MB-231-luc Growth curves

MDA-MB-231-luc Orthotopic Model

Growth of orthotopic (MFP) MDA-MB-231-luc in Nu/Nu mice (n=10)

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