MCF-7 CDX Model

The MCF-7 cell line originates from human breast cancer and is one of the most extensively studied and utilized cell lines in breast cancer research. MCF-7 cells represent the Luminal A subtype, which is estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) and progesterone receptor-positive (PR+), but HER2-negative. The cell line serves as a fundamental tool for understanding the biology and hormonal regulation of breast cancer and for evaluating hormone-based and targeted therapeutic interventions. MCF-7 showcases many of the molecular features and genetic alterations typical of the Luminal A subtype, making it an invaluable model for preclinical investigations. Its behavior both in vitro and in vivo offers insights into the growth dynamics of hormone-sensitive breast cancers, their responses to endocrine therapies, and mechanisms of resistance. Researchers widely use MCF-7 to study the intricacies of breast cancer biology, hormonal pathways, and to assess the efficacy of therapeutic compounds, particularly those targeting the estrogen receptor.

Model Details

Cancer Location: Mammary Fat Pad
Cancer Type: Breast Cancer
Model Name: MCF-7
Mouse Strain: NSG

MCF-7 Growth

MCF-7 CDX Model

Growth of orthotopic (MFP) MCF-7 in NSG mice (n=5)

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