K7M2-luc Syngeneic Model

Synonyms: K7M2-luciferase, K7M2-luciferase-expressing cell line, K7M2-luciferase reporter cells

K7M2-luc is a specialized cancer cell line derived from KLM-1, engineered to express luciferase for non-invasive imaging studies. This unique feature enables real-time visualization of tumor growth and metastasis. K7M2-luc serves as a valuable tool in preclinical research, allowing researchers to evaluate the efficacy of therapeutic interventions and study the biology of the specific cancer type. Its luminescent properties facilitate the development of novel imaging-based approaches for studying tumor dynamics and advancing our understanding of cancer.

Model Details

Cancer Type: Sarcoma
Model Name: K7M2-luc
Mouse Strain: BALB/C
Treatment Data Available: N/A

K7M2-luc Growth Curve

K7M2-luc Syngeneic Model

Growth of IV disseminated K7M2-luc in balb/c mice (n=5)

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