GBM196 GBM Model

GBM196-derived PDX model is a crucial resource for investigating novel therapeutic strategies in Brain Cancer drug discovery. Researchers rely on GBM196 PDX to unlock the potential of promising therapies, accelerate drug development success, and improve patient outcomes. This model plays a central role in advancing the field of Brain Cancer treatment by providing a realistic platform for assessing treatment efficacy and safety.

Model Details

Cancer Location: Intracranial
Cancer Type: Brain Cancer
Model Name: GBM196
Mouse Strain: Nu/Nu
Treatment Data Available: Chemotherapy (Temozolomide)
WES: Yes
Methylation: Yes
PDX Treatment: Yes
Patient Treatment History: Yes

GBM196 Survival

GBM196 GBM Model

Survival of orthotopic intracranial implanted GBM196 in Nu/Nu mice (n=5)

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