GBM10 GBM Model

GBM10, a Patient-Derived Xenograft (PDX) model, closely resembles brain cancer in patients. Utilize GBM10 to gain insights into the disease’s mechanisms and explore novel therapeutic approaches. PDX models like GBM10 bridge the gap between preclinical research and clinical trials. They provide a reliable platform for testing potential drug candidates in an environment that closely resembles the human disease, improving the likelihood of success in later stages of drug development. GBM10 is a vital tool for accelerating drug discovery and bringing new treatments to brain cancer patients.

Model Details

Cancer Location: Intracranial
Cancer Type: Brain Cancer
Model Name: GBM10
Mouse Strain: Nu/Nu
Treatment Data Available: Chemotherapy (Temozolomide)
WES: Yes
RNAseq: Yes
Methylation: Yes
PDX Treatment: Yes
Patient Treatment History: Yes

GBM10 Survival

GBM10 GBM Model

Survival of orthotopic intracranial implanted GBM10 in Nu/Nu mice (n=10)

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