EL-4 Syngeneic Model

Synonyms: EL4, EL-4 lymphoma cell line

EL-4 is a widely used cancer cell line derived from a murine lymphoma. It serves as a valuable tool in cancer immunology and immunotherapy research. EL-4 cells exhibit characteristics similar to activated T-lymphocytes, making them suitable for studying immune responses, T-cell activation, and anti-tumor immune therapies. Researchers utilize EL-4 to investigate immune checkpoint regulation, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, and the development of novel immunotherapeutic strategies. This cell line is frequently employed in preclinical models to evaluate the efficacy of immunotherapies, including immune checkpoint inhibitors, CAR-T cell therapies, and vaccines. The EL-4 cell line plays a significant role in advancing our understanding of cancer immunolog

Model Details

Cancer Type: Hematopoietic Cancer
Model Name: EL-4
Mouse Strain: C57BL/6
Treatment Data Available: N/A

EL-4 Growth Curve

EL-4 Syngeneic Model

Growth of subcutaneous EL-4 in C57BL/6 mice (n=5)

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