Caki-2 CDX Model

The Caki-2 cell line is derived from human renal cell carcinoma (RCC), specifically from the primary tumor in the kidney. Unlike its counterpart, Caki-1, which originates from a metastatic site, Caki-2 provides insights into the primary tumor characteristics of RCC. This cell line serves as an essential model for studying the onset and early progression of RCC and for evaluating therapeutic interventions for primary tumors. Caki-2 encompasses many molecular features and genetic alterations characteristic of RCC patients, making it a representative model for preclinical studies focused on initial tumor development and growth. In vitro and in vivo investigations with Caki-2 shed light on the primary tumor’s growth dynamics, angiogenesis, invasion potential, and responses to various therapeutic agents. Researchers utilize the Caki-2 model to better understand the early stages of RCC and to develop and evaluate therapeutic strategies aimed at primary tumor management and prevention of metastasis.

Model Details

Cancer Location: Kidney
Cancer Type: Renal Cell Carcinoma
Model Name: Caki-2
Mouse Strain: NSG

Caki-2 Growth curves

Caki-2 CDX Model

Growth of subcutaneous Caki-2 in NSG mice (n=5)

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