Caki-1 CDX Model

The Caki-1 cell line is derived from human renal cell carcinoma (RCC), specifically from the metastatic site of the disease in the skin. This origin provides Caki-1 with a unique perspective on the aggressive and metastatic behaviors of RCC. Caki-1 is a crucial model for delving into the pathogenesis of metastatic RCC and for gauging therapeutic interventions’ effectiveness. It mirrors several molecular features and genetic alterations seen in RCC patients, especially those with advanced stages, making it a pivotal model for preclinical studies. The in vitro and in vivo behaviors of Caki-1 offer insights into RCC’s growth kinetics, invasive properties, angiogenesis, and potential therapeutic responses. Researchers often employ the Caki-1 model to uncover the molecular mechanisms driving RCC metastasis and to test and fine-tune innovative therapeutic strategies, particularly those aimed at halting or reversing metastatic progression.

Model Details

Cancer Location: Kidney
Cancer Type: Renal Cell Carcinoma
Model Name: Caki-1
Mouse Strain: NSG

Caki-1 Growth curves

Caki-1 CDX Model

Growth of subcutaneous Caki-1 in NSG mice (n=5)

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