BxPC3 CDX Model

The BxPC3 cell line is derived from human pancreatic adenocarcinoma, a particularly aggressive and challenging-to-treat form of cancer. BxPC3 serves as a critical model for understanding the intricate biology of pancreatic cancer and for evaluating potential therapeutic approaches. Notably, BxPC3 is characterized by a KRAS wild-type status, which is somewhat uncommon in pancreatic cancer, making it a valuable model for studying pancreatic cancers without KRAS mutations. The cell line embodies several molecular features and genetic alterations consistent with the disease, enhancing its relevance for preclinical investigations. Through in vitro and in vivo studies with BxPC3, insights into the tumor’s growth dynamics, metastatic potential, stromal interactions, angiogenesis, and responses to various treatments can be gleaned. Researchers extensively employ BxPC3 to dissect the molecular underpinnings of pancreatic adenocarcinoma and to evaluate and devise novel therapeutic strategies.

Model Details

Cancer Location: Pancreas
Cancer Type: Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
Model Name: BxPC3
Mouse Strain: Nu/Nu
Treatment Data Available: Othrotopic Injection

BxPC3 Survivial

BxPC3 CDX Model

Survival of BxPC3 after orthotopic intrapancreatic injection of Nu/Nu mice (n=5)

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