786-0 CDX Model
Synonyms: 786O
The 786-0 cell line is derived from a primary human renal cell carcinoma (RCC), representing the clear cell subtype. It is a valuable tool for studying the pathogenesis of RCC and evaluating therapeutic approaches. 786-0 exhibits key molecular features and genetic alterations observed in RCC patients, making it a representative model for preclinical investigations. Its in vitro and in vivo behavior closely reflects the characteristics of RCC, including patterns of growth, angiogenesis, and potential responses to targeted therapies. Researchers utilize 786-0 not only to deepen their understanding of RCC biology but also to develop and test novel treatment strategies, especially in the context of targeted and immunotherapies.
Model Details
Cancer Location: Kidney
Cancer Type: Renal Cell Carcinoma
Model Name: 786-0
Mouse Strain: Nu/Nu
Treatment Data Available: Chemotherapy (Lenvantib, Axitinib, Bevacizumab)
786-O Growth curves: Response to Lenvatinib, Axitinib dosed, Bevacizumab
Growth of subcutaneous 786-O in Nu/Nu mice (n=10)
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