News & Events - TD2 Precision Oncology

TD2 Business Continuity during COVID-19

Written by TD2 | Mar 25, 2020 3:35:00 PM

Our team remains committed to serving our clients and bringing cancer treatments to patients as quickly and safely as possible during this unique time.

Based on the recommendations from “FDA’s Guidance on Conduct of Clinical Trials of Medical Products during COVID-19 Pandemic”, as well as the US Center for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and local Arizona health organizations, TD2 has a plan in place and we are working in new ways to accomplish our goals and keep studies on track.

From the start of this crisis, we took the necessary steps to protect our team and employ the precautionary measures needed to prevent exposure to COVID-19. Employees are asked to work from home if it all possible and to leverage virtual meetings as needed. If onsite visits are needed, we’ve adopted policies to limit access and perform screening when necessary. We have also divided our laboratory employees into completely separate functional groups that work independently on non-overlapping shifts. Common areas used by both teams is disinfected between each shift and each group accesses the facility through separate entrances. TD2 has a dedicated and cross-trained staff which allows leadership to allocate staff where needed and maintain all social distancing protocols to prevent community spread within or between teams. In addition, our leadership is meeting daily to maintain the quality of our operations and maintain progress on your study.

We are making every effort to ensure that we continue to deliver the quality, excellence and timeliness that you have come to expect from TD2 despite the challenges that we all face. While COVID-19 is a significant health threat and demands these extreme measures to protect our employees, we remain committed to your drug development efforts and successful treatments that can save lives impacted by cancer.